Concept Art


The Spookville story so far…

From Chip A year or two ago, my sister and I sat down at the piano and started writing a spooky song about two siblings who travel to a haunted underground town called Spookville — a place filled with scampering demons, one-eyed gremlins, and cackling ghosts. We imagined Spookville’s architecture to be an eerie mash-up of [...]

Danny Close 2

Character Design: Danny

Danny is Lila’s little brother. He’s a scaredy cat, but a good kid at heart. He’ll have to face some of his worst fears to survive in Spookville! Concept art by Rowan Abbott: 3D Model by Patrick Pineda”  

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Character Model: Muck Yuck

Muck Yucks are fun-loving blob creatures that sing and dance in the Spookville streets. The twirl and fling their muck without a care while stomping their sticky feet! Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: 3D  Model by Patrick Pineda:  

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Character Design: Jellybones Bob

Jellybones Bob is a down-on-his-luck jazz singer at the local dive bar: the Lug Lug Lounge. His favorite drinks and snacks include: snail cocktails, pig snout stout, horsehair pie, and shots of lye. Jellybones’ skin is a gelatinous pale purple and when the spotlight hits him, you can see his inner-organs shifting around. 3D Concept [...]

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Character Design: Gremlins

The one-eyed cyclops gremlins are friendly, accident-prone resident of Spookville. You can usually find them looking through a dumpster for a scrap of meat, performing the flying trapeze at the Spookville Circus, or stabbing your foot with their tiny pitchforks to see if it’s edible. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: 3D Model by Patrick [...]

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Character Design: Zoot Suit Skeleton

What sort of haunted town would Spookville be without tons of creepy skeletons? The first skeleton Lila and Danny meet is a ferryman who helps them across a river red as blood to reach the gates of Spookville. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott:We also thought it would be neat if some of the Skeletons [...]

Lizard Girl Close 2

Character Model: Lizard Girl

Lizard Girl is an acrobat for the Spookville Circus. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: We decided to give her a cool bomber jacket and some steampunk glasses. 3D Model by Patrick Pineda:  

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Character Design: Cyclops Man

Cyclops Man is the resident strongman for the Spookville Circus. Some say that he can lift 17 times his weight. He’s also quite the juggler, despite having only hooks for hands. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: 3D Model by Patrick Pineda:

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Character Design: Razz the Rat

Razz the Rat is a slick, sly, street rat  famous for his card tricks and love for gambling. Razz befriends Lila and Danny on their journey to overthrow the evil Big Daddy Brass. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: 3D Model by Patrick Pineda:  

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Character Design: Big Daddy Brass

Big Daddy Brass is Spookville’s evil mayor. He is extremely rotund, wears a politician’s grin and looks a little like Teddy Roosevelt, except his skin is the color of a tuba. He wears a top hat, monocle, a short tie, and a suit that is bursting at the seams. Brute force, bribery, lying, and cheating are [...]

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Character Design: The Ringleader

Ribulus Rottenrib is Spookville’s circus ringleader. He has a big heart and a quirky sense of humor, despite the fact that Big Daddy Brass, the town’s evil mayor, has it out for him. Original Concept Art by Rowan Abbott: 3D Model by Patrick Pineda:  

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Character Design: Lila

Lila is the hero of our story, a brave and adventurous girl with a big imagination. Unfortunately, she is new in town and has yet to make a single friend. Some of the other kids in school pick on her for being a little weird. But everything changes when she discovers the haunted town of [...]