Picture Book

I am currently writing a children’s picture book called Welcome To Spookville. For interested agents and publishers, you can find the manuscript and some sample artwork below:

Welcome To Spookville

Children’s Picture Book Manuscript


Lila was the new girl in town and had yet to make a single friend. One day after school, she discovered an old stone well while playing pretend.


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This well wasn’t for tossing in coins and making a wish. It was a magical gateway to an underground world, spooky and ghoulish.


Lila used her slingshot to shoot cans made of tin. She placed the cans on the side of the well and then she shot them in.


She heard a loud BURP, which gave her a scare. The magic well spit one of her cans back up in the air.


“Yuck,” said the well, “I hate canned peas.”


“I’d rather eat children with knobby knees!”


The stones of the well rearranged themselves into a monstrous grin. The well swallowed Lila whole—Her adventure in Spookville was about to begin.





Inside the well, Lila whizzed down a giant tongue slide. She tumbled out and landed on a spooky street-side.


To her surprise, a Tiny Cyclops Gremlin stared at her with one huge eye!


Lila pinched herself and looked around. She wasn’t dreaming—she was in the middle of a haunted town.


Skeletons sang songs in the street, while demons devoured deli meat.


Ghouls giggled with glee, and see-through spirits went on shopping sprees.


Creepy couples snuggled and ate fungus fudge, while cuddling on a boat ride called the Tunnel of Sludge.


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Then, a man in a bright red coat greeted Lila with a smile and a bow, and said, “You look like you could use a friend right about now.”


“My name is Ribulus Rottenrib and I’m the Spookville tour guide. I’ll introduce to everyone in town if you stick by my side.”


“I’m not so good at making friends in a new place,” Lila said with a doubtful look on her face.


“Maybe you’ve never really tried,” Mr. Rottenrib replied. “I’ll teach you how to make friends, far and wide.”


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So, Lila and Mr. Rottenrib began their haunted tour. Their first stop was the Spookville clothing store.


Inside the Witch’s Wardrobe, monsters clawed through the clothing racks. They tried on moth-eaten slacks and burlap sacks.


“Maybe I need new clothes to make friends at school,” Lila sighed.


“Clothing doesn’t make the ghoul cool!” Mr. Rottenrib cried. “All that really matters is what’s inside.”


Up ahead, slimy Muck Yucks waltzed together in the street—they twirled without a care, stomping their sticky feet.


Mr. Rottenrib saw Lila give the Muck Yucks a glance. Then he told her, “To meet new friends, you have to take a chance.”


So, Lila introduced herself and joined the Muck Yuck dance, hopping around like she had ants in her pants.


Around the next corner, Chomp Chomp Critters shared tasty treats. Frozen snotgurt and shaved slice cream were their favorite sweets.


One Chomp Chomp Critter dropped his slice cream cone. His companion told him not to worry, and shared his own.


“If you share with many, you’ll make pals fast. Otherwise,” Mr. Rottenrib said,  “your friendships won’t last.”


Nearby, the Funnybones Comedy Club was filled with friendly folks. On stage, Jellybones Bob knocked ‘em dead with his knock-knock jokes.


“Laughter is important for friendship too,” Mr. Rottenrib said, laughing until his face turned blue. “Smiles and giggles make people want to be around you.”


Then, Lila looked at her watch and let out a groan. It was past her bedtime, and she needed to go home.


“It was great becoming friends with Spookville’s monsters and ghouls. Now, I’ll have no trouble making friends at school.”


And with that, the Spookville creatures shouted goodbye. Mr. Rottenrib put Lila in an elevator and shot her up to the sky.



The next day at school, Lila was no longer afraid. She used the lessons from Spookville to make new friends in her grade.


She talked to everyone, no matter how they looked or dressed. She even showed them the Muck Yuck boogie during recess.


She shared her school supplies with those in need and also let someone borrow her favorite spooky book to read.


At the lunch table, she sat with new people, cracked jokes, and laughed a lot.

When she saw another lonely girl, she moved over to give her a spot.


Friday afternoon, Lila invited her new friends to spend the night. They camped outside and Lila told scary stories to give them a fright.


“I have a tale to tell, and it will give you a chill. It starts deep in a well, in a place called Spookville…”